E&A has performed ADA Surveys in 2 Phases to date of multiple parks, community centers, and administrative facilties for the City. Surveys of parks present some unique accessibility challenges. Standards for "develped outdoor recreation" are still in a draft version, and have not yet been adopted as law. These affect some aspects of park amenties, while other aspects are newly covered under the new 2010 ADA Standards, such as pools & spas and playground equipment.
Accessibility Project Highlights
The complete listing of ADA/ Accessibility projects by E&A and those managed by William E. Endelman, AIA previously as ADA Program Manager for Heery International, Inc., is extensive. ADA Survey projects include hundreds of million square feet of building area, for over 900 clients, and hundreds of thousands of acres of parklands for significant corporate and public sector clients. Many hundreds of buildings have been renovated to be accessible based upon the Facility Accessibility Survey Reports.
The following are a few highlights of these projects for significant clients, which demonstrate the breadth and depth of experience we can bring to bear on your project.
*Projects with asterisk performed by William E. Endelman as ADA Program Manager at Heery International.

E&A performed ADA Surveys of a portfolio of 30 retail malls, industrial buildings, and high rise office buildings in multiple states. E&A also did Fair Housing Act compliance surveys of a number of large multi-unit housing properties.

As a subconsultant to NBBJ, E&A performed ADA Surveys of the Main Campus Hospital / Clinic facilties as well as the other VMMC Clinic facilities in the Seattle area. The survey of dozens of buildings was done using the new 2010 ADA Standards, commenced just prior to formal adoption by USDOJ, so that it would be most current into the future. VMMC is using E&A's proprietary Survey Manager Software to manage the barrier removal process.

Phase I King County Buildings – 2002
Endelman & Associates PLLC, and sub-consultant Studio Pacifica Ltd., completed ADA Surveys of ten County selected Public Health Care and District Court facilities for compliance with Title II of the ADA as part of Phase I. We were selected to survey all facilities, and anticipate future survey phases as funding is approved for the work.
Phase II King County Buildings – 2007
Phase II was completed 2007. A number of large and complex facilities are part of this phase including: King County Administration Building, King County Courthouse, King County Correction Facility and 13 other facilities, with over 1.5 million sq. ft.

E&A completed the project 2/16/07, ADA Surveys of 74 City Buildings that include the Tacoma Dome, Cheney Stadium, high rise Municipal Building, Libraries, Fire Stations, Community Centers, Training Facilities and other unique buildings. As always, E&A used our proven Survey SolutionsTM Software.
As Program Manager for Heery International, Mr. Endelman directed the Project Manager and team in surveying 165 facilities for compliance with both ADA and CA Title 24 requirements for accessibility. Facility types included Park and Recreation facilities, libraries, the City Office Complex, senior centers, Jack Murphy Stadium (San Diego Chargers facility) and others. Surveys were performed using ADA Survey software, customized for the addition of State code requirements, which go beyond ADA technical requirements. Key staff person was trained in the administration of the implementation phases. (*Performed by William E. Endelman as ADA Program Manager at Heery International)
As Project Manager for Heery International, Mr. Endelman managed survey efforts on site for 3.9 million s.f. for multiple Agencies including Courthouses, Health Care Agency clinics, Social Services Agency buildings, Libraries, Fire Stations, Jails, Administrative Offices, etc. Additionally, Mr. Endelman conducted an ADA training Seminar for over 35 staff, and performed extensive training for A&E staff. A full Transition Plan was prepared, including an interactive process with representatives of each agency. The survey work was completed in only 3.5 months. (*Performed by William E. Endelman as ADA Program Manager at Heery International)

K - 12 educational facilities are a complex building type which requires program accessibility under Title II. Because so many of the buildings are very old, solutions to barrier removal required creativity. Additionally, work is often performed during the school year (rather than summer recess), necessitating non-disruptive procedures. School districts are typically very short of funds, so thoughtful Transition Plans were done to optimize immediate significant accessibility gains, some in the context of other facility renovation programs. A facilitation/ retreat process was utilized at Cupertino Union School District.
*School projects performed by William E. Endelman as ADA Program Manager at Heery Interntional Inc., except for Springfield School District, OR.
As ADA Program Director for Heery International, Mr. Endelman developed custom database survey software for an ADA Survey of over 10 million s.f. on the Main and rural campuses. The software was designed to simplify the survey of virtually all university building types. Mr. Endelman was responsible for the technical quality of the work and supervision of the Project Manager and team. The entire survey / documentation was completed in 10 months. (*Performed by William E. Endelman as ADA Program Manager at Heery International)

E&A completed an ADA Survey of this 22 story architecturally significant high rise office building. Accessibility solutions required particular sensitivity to preserving the fine architectural detail. The barrier removal is to be substantially integrated into a renovation program for the building, being designed by Mithun Partners Inc.
Survey of Mall and 4 High Rise Buildings / Survey Support for Team Surveying 8 Malls
We were contracted by Marx / Okubo, Ltd., who specialize in building condition surveys. Due to the compressed time frame, we assisted in training experienced surveyors in doing basic ADA surveys of eight malls scattered around the Country. We trained them on our custom survey software and methodology and reviewed the surveys results. Over 9 Million square feet were completed in a matter of weeks. E&A performed hands-on surveys of the Mayfair Mall and four Office Towers outside Milwaukee, 1960’s buildings which have been renovated over the years – a complex project.

We were hired to review architectural drawings prior to construction for compliance with Washington Accessibility Code, California Building Code, HUD’s Fair Housing Act and the ADA on 15 proejcts to date. ADA only applies to the leasing office, retail space and associated parking for the multi-unit buildings. We found some accessibility items that could have had significant cost impacts, if left until after construction to solve. We are contracted to due some accessibility construction observation as a follow-up to the drawing reviews.

As Principal and Project Manager of Endelman & Associates PLLC, in association with MacLeod Reckord Landscape Architects, E&A has completed directing ADA Surveys of 104 of the County’s parks and trails. One unique feature of this project is the survey standard that was applied. The ADA Technical Guidelines (ADAAG), the technical standard of the ADA, was not written to appropriately serve as a standard for outdoor recreation areas. A 1994 study by the Outdoor Recreation Committee of the Access Board on proposed accessibility standards for outdoor recreation areas is currently being finalized as a proposed amendment to ADAAG. We applied this standard to park walkways and trails, augmenting the ADAAG standards which are applicable for other aspects.

We were contract to perform an accessibility survey of the main school building, an historic landmark, the dormitory, and leased cafeteria facilities. Certain aspects of the building are registered, including classroom doors and the end stairs. The school building has two main floors, and a series of levels below that, but does not have an elevator. We recommended an elevator in a key location that would provide access to almost all levels, The remaining ones would require a wheelchair lift. All of the work should be able to be accommodated within historic landmark restrictions. The main entry has a steep ramp following grade that we believe can be revised to be compliant without changing the overall appearance of the façade. Surveys were performed during school session without disruption to classes.

E&A act as a litigation consultant and expert witness for both defendants and enforcing agencies such ad USDOJ and HUD. We are currently assisting a public entity in a USDOJ lawsuit, as well as a 4 national and regional developer / property owners. We have extensive litigastion consulting and expert witness experience to assist our clients.

With Karen Braitmayer of Studio Pacifica Ltd. as a sub-consultant, we are nearly completed with a Facility Accessibility Survey of 9 Market Buildings and 3 parking lots. The Market stalls and shops are in Historic Landmark Buildings, a series of interconnected buildings and other free-standing buildings. The street terrain of the site is at significantly different grades. The fact that the floor levels of these old, connected buildings do not align creates special accessible route challenges, with limited space to steep ramps into complying ramps. Our recommendations will help the PDA take advantage of existing accessible routes via existing elevators and greatly improve signage information to assist all users in finding routes through the Market, as is readily achievable.

Construction was completed at the end of 2010, and includes hotel, condominium, and casino facilities.

Construction stopped during recession - 5 hotels and casino facilities

E&A has performed ADA Surveys in 2 Phases to date of multiple parks, community centers, and administrative facilties for the City. Surveys of parks present some unique accessibility challenges. Standards for "develped outdoor recreation" are still in a draft version, and have not yet been adopted as law. These affect some aspects of park amenties, while other aspects are newly covered under the new 2010 ADA Standards, such as pools & spas and playground equipment.

E&A performed ADA Surveys of a portfolio of 30 retail malls, industrial buildings, and high rise office buildings in multiple states. E&A also did Fair Housing Act compliance surveys of a number of large multi-unit housing properties.

As a subconsultant to NBBJ, E&A performed ADA Surveys of the Main Campus Hospital / Clinic facilties as well as the other VMMC Clinic facilities in the Seattle area. The survey of dozens of buildings was done using the new 2010 ADA Standards, commenced just prior to formal adoption by USDOJ, so that it would be most current into the future. VMMC is using E&A's proprietary Survey Manager Software to manage the barrier removal process.