Expert Witness & Litigation Consulting Services For ADA, UFAS, and FHA Compliance
Endelman & Associates PLLC and our extended team offer Litigation Consulting and Expert Witness Services on Facility Accessibility including ADA, UFAS, state codes, and FHA compliance. Our clients include USDOJ, HUD and other enforcing agencies, corporations, developers, owners, and attorneys. Please contact us for more information.
Lawsuits and complaints can be very costly if not handled promptly and cost effectively. We will work with your attorney, or can recommend attorneys who are successful in this narrow specialty.
Using our FHA, ADAS, UFAS, and Building Code knowledge, and applying our architectural expertise, E&A is able to recommend and help negotiate "real world", viable retrofits as part of a Consent Decree negotiation process.
We have been successful in this process for both enforcing agencies and defendant building Owners, satisfying compliance needs realistically and cost effectively.
We have worked with a number of attorneys as litigation consultants and experts.
We have testified for Depositions and in Court. Let us assist you. Call us for details.